Create new service following the structure as described in the fastapi_serviceutils documentation. Using Cookiecutter to create the new folder.
usage: create_service [-h] -n SERVICE_NAME -p SERVICE_PORT -a AUTHOR -e
create new service based on fastapi using fastapi_serviceutils.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n SERVICE_NAME, --service_name SERVICE_NAME
the name of the service to create. ATTENTION: only
ascii-letters, "_" and digits are allowed. Must not
start with a digit!
-p SERVICE_PORT, --service_port SERVICE_PORT
the port for the service to listen.
-a AUTHOR, --author AUTHOR
the name of the author of the service.
-e AUTHOR_EMAIL, --author_email AUTHOR_EMAIL
the email of the author of the service.
-ep ENDPOINT, --endpoint ENDPOINT
the name of the endpoint for the service to create.
ATTENTION: only lower ascii-letters, "_" and digits
are allowed. Must not start with a digit!
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR