
The easiest way to explain how to use fastapi-serviceutils is to demonstrate usage inside an exampleservice. Here we will explain the parts of the service and which functions and classes when to use.

Creating new service

To create a new service we use the tool create_service which is available after installing fastapi-serviceutils.

create_service -n exampleservice \
    -p 50001 \
    -a "Dummy User" \
    -e dummy.user@something.info \
    -ep example \
    -o /tmp

This creates the service exampleservice inside the folder /tmp/exampleservice. As author with email we define Dummy User and dummy.user@something.info. The initial endpoint we want to create is example. The service should listen to port 50001.

If we change into the created directory we will have the following folder-structure:

├── app
│   ├── config.yml
│   ├── endpoints
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   └── v1
│   │       ├── errors.py
│   │       ├── example.py
│   │       ├── __init__.py
│   │       └── models.py
│   ├── __init__.py
│   └── main.py
├── .codespell-ignore-words.txt
├── docker-compose.yml
├── Dockerfile
├── docs
│   └── ...
├── .gitignore
├── Makefile
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml
├── pyproject.toml
├── .python-version
├── README.md
├── setup.cfg
├── tests
│   └── __init__.py
└── .tmuxp.yml

The files docker-compose.yml and Dockerfile are required for deployment of the service as docker-container.

.tmuxp.yml is used for development of the service if you prefer to develop inside tmux in combination with for example vim or emacs.

The .python-version defines which python-version this service uses and is used by poetry / dephell workflow inside virtual-environments.

The pyproject.toml is used for dependency-management and package-creation.

setup.cfg contains configurations for tools used during development like yapf, flake8, pytest, etc.

The .pre-commit-config.yaml allows the usage of pre-commit and is also used in the make command make check. It enables running of multiple linters, checkers, etc. to ensure a fixed codestyle.

The Makefile contains helper command like initializing the project, updating the virtual-environment, running tests, etc.

Because codespell is used inside the configuration of pre-commit, the file .codespell-ignore-words.txt is used to be able to define words to be ignored during check with codespell.

Initialising project

To initialise the project after creation we run:

make init

This creates the virtual-environment and installs the dependencies as defined in the pyproject.toml. It also initialises the project as a git-folder and creates the initial commit.

We now activate the poetry-shell to enable the environment:

poetry shell


Please ensure to always enable the poetry-shell before development using:

poetry shell

The Makefile assumes the environment is activated on usage.


Following shows code-relevant files for an exampleservice as created using the create_service-tool of fastapi-serviceutils.

├── app
│   ├── config.yml
│   ├── endpoints
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   └── v1
│   │       ├── errors.py
│   │       ├── example.py
│   │       ├── __init__.py
│   │       └── models.py
│   ├── __init__.py
│   └── main.py
├── pyproject.toml
└── tests
    ├── __init__.py
    └── service_test.py


The dependencies and definitions like the package-name, version, etc. are defined inside the pyproject.toml. This file is used by Poetry and Dephell. Following the pyproject.toml for our exampleservice:

the pyproject.toml of the exampleservice.
name = "exampleservice"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "Exampleservice to demonstrate usage of fastapi-serviceutils."
authors = ["Dummy User <dummy.user@something.info>"]
readme = "README.md"
include = ["README.md", "app/config.yml"]

python = ">=3.7,<4"
fastapi-serviceutils = ">=2"

autoflake = ">=1.3"
coverage-badge = ">=1"
flake8 = ">=3.7"
ipython = ">=7.8"
isort = ">=4.3"
jedi = ">=0.14"
neovim = ">=0.3.1"
pre-commit = ">=1.18.3"
pudb = ">=2019.1"
pygments = ">=2.4"
pytest = ">=5"
pytest-asyncio = ">=0.10"
pytest-cov = ">=2"
pytest-xdist = ">=1.30"
sphinx = ">=2"
sphinx-autodoc-typehints = ">=1.6"
sphinx-rtd-theme = ">=0.4.3"
yapf = ">=0.27"

devs = [
    "autoflake", "coverage", "coverage-badge", "flake8", "ipython", "isort",
    "jedi", "neovim", "pre-commit", "pudb", "pygments", "pytest",
    "pytest-asyncio", "pytest-cov", "pytest-xdist", "sphinx",
    "sphinx-autodoc-typehints", "sphinx-rtd-theme", "yapf"

from = {format = "poetry", path = "pyproject.toml"}
envs = ["main", "devs"]

from = {format = "poetry", path = "pyproject.toml"}
to = {format = "setuppy", path = "setup.py"}
envs = ["main"]
versioning = "semver"

from = {format = "poetry", path = "pyproject.toml"}
to = {format = "poetrylock", path = "poetry.lock"}

exampleservice = "app.main:main"

requires = ["poetry>=0.12"]
build-backend = "poetry.masonry.api"


The service is configured using a config-file (config.yml). It is possible to overwrite these setting using environment-variables. An example for the config.yml of the exampleservice is shown below:

config.yml of exampleservice.
    name: 'exampleservice'
    mode: 'devl'
    port: 50001
    description: 'Example tasks'
    apidoc_dir: 'docs/_build'
    readme: 'README.md'
        - '*'
        - alive
        - config
    services: null
    databases: null
    other: null
    path: './log/EXAMPLESERVICE'
    filename: 'service_{mode}.log'
    level: 'debug'
    rotation: '1 days'
    retention: '1 months'
    format: "<green>{time:YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS}</green> | <level>{level: <8}</level> | <cyan>{name}</cyan>:<cyan>{function}</cyan>:<cyan>{line}</cyan> [id: {extra[request_id]}] - <level>{message}</level>"
        - SERVICE__MODE
        - SERVICE__PORT
        - LOGGER__LEVEL
        - LOGGER__PATH
        - LOGGER__FORMAT
    rules_env_vars: []

The config contains four main sections:

  • service

  • external_resources

  • logger

  • available_environment_variables

config: [service]

Inside this section we define the name of the service name. This name is used for the swagger-documentation and extraction of the environment-variables.

The mode define the runtime-mode of the service. This mode can be overwritten with the environment-variable EXAMPLESERVICE__SERVICE__MODE (where 'EXAMPLESERVICE' is the name of the service, meaning if you have a service named SOMETHING the environment-variable would be SOMETHING__SERVICE__MODE).

The port configure the port the service will listen to. This can also be overwritten using the environment variable EXAMPLESERVICE__SERVICE__PORT.

The description is used for the swagger-documentation.

To define the folder where the to find the apidoc to serve by route /api/apidoc/index.html the keyword apidoc_dir is used.

readme defines where to get the readme from to be used as main description for the swagger-documentation at /docs / /redoc.

To controll if only specific hosts are allowed to controll the service we use allowed_hosts. Per default a service would allow all hosts ('*') but this can be customized here in the config.

To define which default endpoints should be included in our service we use use_default_endpoints. Currently we support the default endpoints /api/alive (inside config: 'alive') and /api/config (inside config: 'alive').

config: [external_resources]

Inside this section external dependencies (resources) are defines. A service can depend on other services, databases, remote-connections or files / folders.

Dependencies to other services should be defined inside services. Database connections inside databases (currently only postgres is supported). If any other dependency exist define it in other.

Defined services can be accessed in the code using app.config.external_resources.services or ENDPOINT.config.external_resources.services depending if you are in a main part of the app or inside an endpoint.

Databases are automatically included into the startup and shutdown handlers. You can access the database connection using app.databases['DATABASE_NAME'] or ENDPOINT.databases['DATABASE_NAME'] depending if you are in a main part of the app or inside an endpoint.

config: [logger]

All settings inside this section are default Loguru settings to configure the logger. You can control where to log (path) and how the logfile should be named (filename). Also which minimum level to log (level). To control when to rotate the logfile use rotation. retention defines when to delete old logfiles. The format defines the format to be used for log-messages.

config: [available_environment_variables]

The environment-variables are seperated into three types:

  • env_vars

  • external_resources_env_vars

  • rules_env_vars

Here you can control which environment-variables to use if they are set.

The environment-variables are named like the following: <SERVICENAME>__<MAJOR_SECTION>__<PARAMETER_NAME>. The servicename would be 'EXAMPLESERVICE' in our example. The major-section is one of:


  • 'LOGGER'


env_vars control the sections service and logger. external_resources_env_vars control the configurations inside the section external_resources. The rules_env_vars should overwrite settings of a ruleset of the service. Such a ruleset defines constants and other rules for the logic of the endpoints. For example a default time-range for your pandas dataframes, etc. Currently this is not implemented, so you would have to use these definitions yourself to overwrite your ruleset-definitions.


Inside the __init__.py file of the app we only define the version of our service.


We use semantic-versioning style for services based on fastapi-serviceutils.

This means we have the following version-number: <MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<PATCH>.

For details about semantic-versioning see Semver.

If we bump the version using either dephell bump {major, minor, fix} or poetry version {major, minor, patch}, both the version defined here, and the version defined inside the pyproject.toml will be increased.

__init__.py of app.
__version__ = '0.1.0'


Inside this file we glue all parts of our service together.

Here the app is created which is used either in development inside the function main or in production using uvicorn from command line (or docker-container).

main.py of app.
from pathlib import Path
from typing import NoReturn

from app import __version__
from app.endpoints import ENDPOINTS

from fastapi_serviceutils import make_app

app = make_app(

def main() -> NoReturn:
    import uvicorn
    uvicorn.run(app, host='', port=app.config.service.port)

if __name__ == '__main__':

We define where to collect the config-file of the service from, the version of the service and which endpoints and middlewares to use.


The following shows the example-endpoint we created:

example.py in version 1. Define the endpoint example.
from app.endpoints.v1.models import Example as Output
from app.endpoints.v1.models import GetExample as Input
from fastapi import APIRouter
from fastapi import Body
from starlette.requests import Request

from fastapi_serviceutils.app import create_id_logger
from fastapi_serviceutils.app import Endpoint

ENDPOINT = Endpoint(router=APIRouter(), route='/example', version='v1')
SUMMARY = 'Example request.'
EXAMPLE = Body(..., example={'msg': 'some message.'})

@ENDPOINT.router.post('/', response_model=Output, summary=SUMMARY)
async def example(request: Request, params: Input = EXAMPLE) -> Output:
    _, log = create_id_logger(request=request, endpoint=ENDPOINT)
    log.debug(f'received request for {request.url} with params {params}.')
    return Output(msg=params.msg)

The ENDPOINT includes the router, route and the version of our endpoint.

Inside the endpoint-function we create a new bound logger with the request-id of the request to allow useful traceback.


Defining endpoints like this allows our worklow with endpoint-versioning and usage of fastapi_serviceutils.endpoints.set_version_endpoints() inside app/endpoints/v1/__init__.py and app/endpoints/__init__.py.


The models.py contains models for the endpoints in version 1 of our exampleservice.

For each endpoint we create the model for the input (request) and the model for the output (response).

The models are of type pydantic.BaseModel

models.py of endpoints of version 1.
from pydantic import BaseModel

class GetExample(BaseModel):
    msg: str

class Example(BaseModel):
    msg: str

__all__ = ['Example', 'GetExample']

More complex models could look like the following:

In special cases also an ``alias_generator`` has to be defined.
An example for such a special case is the attribute ``schema`` of
:class:`SpecialParams`. The schema is already an attribute of a BaseModel,
so it can't be used and an alias is required.

To be able to add post-parse-methods the pydantic ``dataclass`` can be
An example for this can be seen in :class:`Complex`.

from pydantic import BaseModel
from pydantic import Schema
from pydantic.dataclasses import dataclass

class Complex:
    """Represent example model with attribute-change of model after init."""
    accuracy: str

    def __post_init_post_parse__(self) -> NoReturn:
        """Overwrite self.accuracy with a mapping as defined below."""
        accuracy_mapping = {
            'something': 's',
            'match': 'm',
        self.accuracy = accuracy_mapping[self.accuracy]

def _alias_for_special_model_attribute(alias: str) -> str:
    """Use as ``alias_generator`` for models with special attribute-names."""
    return alias if not alias.endswith('_') else alias[:-1]

class SpecialParams(BaseModel):
    """Represent example model with special attribute name requiring alias."""
    msg: str
    schema_: str = Schema(None, alias='schema')

    class Config:
        """Required for special attribute ``schema``."""
        alias_generator = _alias_for_special_model_attribute


Inside this file we include our example-endpoint to the version 1 endpoints.


If additional endpoints are available, these should be added here, too.

The created ENDPOINTS is used inside app/endpoints/__init__.py later.


If we would increase our version to version 2 and we want to change the endpoint example we would add an additional folder inside app/endpoints named v2 and place the new version files there.

__init__.py of v1.
from app.endpoints.v1 import example

from fastapi_serviceutils.app.endpoints import set_version_endpoints

ENDPOINTS = set_version_endpoints(

__all__ = ['ENDPOINTS']


In this file we import all endpoint-versions like in this example from app.endpoints.v1 import ENDPOINTS as v1.


If we would have an additional version 2 we would also add from app.endpoints.v2 import ENDPOINTS as v2.

Then we use fastapi_serviceutils.endpoints.set_version_endpoints() with the latest version endpoints to create LATEST.


If we would have version 2, too we would replace parameter endpoints with v2.

The ENDPOINTS is a list of all available versions.

These ENDPOINTS are used inside app/main.py to include them to the service.

__init__.py of endpoints.
from app.endpoints.v1 import ENDPOINTS as v1

from fastapi_serviceutils.app.endpoints import set_version_endpoints

LATEST = set_version_endpoints(


__all__ = ['ENDPOINTS']


The tests for the exampleservice are using Pytest. We also used the testutils of fastapi-serviceutils. An example for simple endpoint tests of our exampleservice:

import pytest
from app.main import app

from fastapi_serviceutils.app.service_config import Config
from fastapi_serviceutils.utils.tests.endpoints import json_endpoint

def test_endpoint_example():
        payload={'msg': 'test'},
        expected={'msg': 'test'}

    'endpoint, status_code',
def test_endpoint_invalid(endpoint, status_code):
        payload={'msg': 'test'}