

Create new service following the structure as described in the fastapi_serviceutils documentation. Using Cookiecutter to create the new folder.

usage: create_service [-h] -n SERVICE_NAME -p SERVICE_PORT -a AUTHOR -e
                      AUTHOR_EMAIL -ep ENDPOINT -o OUTPUT_DIR

create new service based on fastapi using fastapi_serviceutils.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n SERVICE_NAME, --service_name SERVICE_NAME
                        the name of the service to create. ATTENTION: only
                        ascii-letters, "_" and digits are allowed. Must not
                        start with a digit!
  -p SERVICE_PORT, --service_port SERVICE_PORT
                        the port for the service to listen.
  -a AUTHOR, --author AUTHOR
                        the name of the author of the service.
  -e AUTHOR_EMAIL, --author_email AUTHOR_EMAIL
                        the email of the author of the service.
  -ep ENDPOINT, --endpoint ENDPOINT
                        the name of the endpoint for the service to create.
                        ATTENTION: only lower ascii-letters, "_" and digits
                        are allowed. Must not start with a digit!
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR


Usual tasks during development are wrapped inside the Makefile. This contains updating of the environment, creation of the docs, etc.

Helpers for development of fastapi_serviceutils.


    make <target> [flags...]


    check      Run all checks defined in .pre-commit-config.yaml.
    clean      Clean the working directory from temporary files and caches.
    doc        Create sphinx documentation for the project.
    docs       Create sphinx documentation for the project.
    finalize   Finalize the main env.
    help       Show the help prompt.
    info       Show info about current project.
    init       Initialize project
    tests      Run tests using pytest.
    update     Update environments based on pyproject.toml definitions.


      This workflow requires the following programs / tools to be installed:
      - poetry
      - dephell
      - pyenv


For a predefined development environment the .tmuxp.yml configuration can be used to create a Tmux-session (using Tmuxp) with a window including three panels:

  • one panel for editing files

  • one panel running the service

  • one panel running the tests

Run the following command to create the tmux-session:

tmuxp load .